Technical requirements for use:
1. This product should be applied at the initial stage of the onset of rice sheath blight, with an interval of about 10 days, and at the initial stage of the onset of wheat powdery mildew, with an interval of 7-8 days. Pay attention to the spray evenly and thoughtfully during the application process. 2. Do not apply the pesticide on a windy day or if it rains within 1 hour. 3. The safe interval for using this product on rice is 30 days, and it is used up to 2 times per season; the safe interval for using this product on wheat is 21 days, and it is up to 3 times per season.
Product performance:
This product is a triazole fungicide and sterol demethylation inhibitor. When used at the recommended dose, it has a good control effect on rice sheath blight and wheat powdery mildew.
1. Use in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage and method.
2. This product cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides and other substances. It is recommended to rotate the use of fungicides with different mechanisms of action to delay the development of resistance.